Martes de gerencia y liderazgo... IV semestre.

July 24.

Today I woke up ready to make the day's activities, I have a new group and was very happy. Arriving at school I did with the kids in training in the yard and I was often asked if I was the new practitioner what I received from a good face. There were flag-raising where held on July 20 the cry of independence of Colombia. Then we went to the room where this and told me who he was and he went, all the children were happy and they said they were going to wear very very good to me, we started the day with prayer and then they told me their names . We started with the Spanish class where I taught them a paragraph and then should get verbs, nouns, and others. Then we went to break and when we came back we started with the guidance of life project where the game started Tingo Tingo Tango and it was the topic of the day. We begin to answer questions where we socialize and all was well ... although a few were restless. Then continue with the natural guide where we could not do much else. When I talk to the teacher showed her and I'm really happy with it and with the group. Every day should be more responsible and more passionate about what I love to be, to be a teacher.

August 14.

Today we are very happy practitioner of 11th grade and I for the completion of the day's activities.
We started doing some drawings guide to what I like about my body, where each one should place the corresponding picture on the box showing.
Then we hear a song of Mercedes Ossa, in which we gave thanks to all the beautiful life that God gives us each day. From there, had to answer some questions about the body. Then we colored some qualities that we identify in life, and we gave the definition of these, and of course first explain the definitions and put up all together.
Then we went to break, and when we got back, we made a little reading on the topic of the day, where there we had to give 10 reasons on which tipped understand why we should care for the body. Then another little reading relizamos where to leave the house as easy to make a comic about it.
The guide stayed in the B, and for the next class ended and we must continue to make efforts to make clear the subject worked.

August 28.

Today very happy come to school for the day's activities. Today we finished the guide that started over 15 days ago.
Start with prayer and joint activities, as they are routine activities that must be performed only to start the day.
She started 11th grade with his class is Spanish, which spent two hours in making guides with children. After that, we went to check out the cartoon task, since there are entrgo each a silhouette of the body to attach to the notebook and an exercise, which was that in every part of the body we would placing people we love, the values ​​of each, the goals we want to accomplish and so many other things.
We then moved to C, where we made a collage and answered a few questions in the collage.
Today everything went very well, and although there was a bit of a mess with garbage, children know they must be neat in their environment.

September 11.


Today we begin a new guide. But before starting, she start 11th grade Spanish class with her.
When she finished we went to break, and when we got back, we started with the guide of life project. Do a reading on the body, so that children understand that they should always take care of your body to anything.
Then individual, answered some questions about the reading issue. When we finished doing this, for some tables were spread bullrings where debian analyze the content and say that good and evil was there.
In this part we were, because the time was no more. But if the day was good and friendly.

October 2.

Today a little poring, with my companion arrives Riosucio, which ought to teach my group and how to manage life project in the institution.
As usual, the young start 11th grade with her class, and when she finished I followed the theme of the previous guide, because as we agreed to finish it, now it should be clear the issue.
After the break we made a power point presentation, which explains on the body because it is a treasure. Then after that, I had to relax a little with a song of relaxation, so that through my words become aware of the body must take good care and not let it be assaulted or aprovenchen me.
Then the kids made ​​a presentation on a debian acrostic in which mendiante explain this because you must take care of the body.
To end the day, they entrgo each a puzzle where they should look for some words and give the definition of each, and homework debian watching a video about abuse in children with parents to be aware not only in children but also in parents to protect their children.

October 23.

Today the young 11th grade and I arrived very dispuetas to perform all activities of the day. She started with mock SABER tests from the Spanish area in which took 2 hours.
When we rest, start with the guide of life project, which started returning from a story in which children Bedian pay close attention because after this, had to do a summary about reading with their drawings.
Then through some pictures on the board, I explained about the classification, order, cleanliness, health, and self-discipline, in which as already given this guide on several occasions, the children were able to answer this very sure that is and why it matters.
Then partitioned the wordsearch where debian coloring and give the correct definition on these, and finally review the work all day, where they behaved very thoughtful and did all the work.

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